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I live in Bristol UK literary fiction and crime are my books of choice and when not reading I like to run

Average bloodthirsty thriller

The Key to Death's Door - Mark Tilbury

Lee Hunter 14 years old lives at home with his mum, his dad having departed. Mum works long hours as a nurse to compensate for the drop in income. This offers Lee the opportunity to go adventuring with his best friend Charlie Finch. One afternoon they decide to go exploring crossing a nearby river in a flimsy rubber dingy. The following morning the boat has vanished and the boys have no choice but to swim for home. A disaster occurs and Lee sinks to the bottom of the river where an out of body experience see him transported back in time some 30 years.


In this bygone era Lee has been transformed into a teenager known as Paul Collins and has his first painful experience of meeting a young very evil Daryl Finch, Charlie Finch's father. The elder Finch sets about tormenting, and finally destroying the Paul's family because they refused to give him money to set up his own business which in his twisted mind they should have done as he is married to Susan, Paul Collins sister. (I hope you are following this dear readers as it is a little confusing!) The purpose of this transition in time is to instil in Lee how important it is to understand the evil that is Daryl Finch and to eradicate that evil when he once again travels forward to the present. Daryl Finch is truly depraved, anyone or anything who obstructs him he will wipe out. His wife Susan is being systematically  destroyed, and tortured by him and events soon reach a bloody conclusion when Lee and Charlie are apprehended  by Finch. Can Lee fulfill his destiny and stop the destructive Finch thereby restoring some normality to his young 14 year old life.


What an odd story that seems to spend most of its narrative describing in great detail the gory, plundering murdering rampage that is Daryl Finch. Although this is a novel set in the UK it has a strange American feel both in its language (always referring to policemen as Cops) and location which resembles a rural southern USA. The time travel aspect helped in the overall atmosphere but even that at times was confusing. Quite an enjoyable read showing a world where evil is always present but balanced against this is the importance of friendships and family, with always the hope that goodness will prevail. Many thanks to the good people at netgalley, and the publisher Bloodhound books, for a gratis copy in exchange for an honest review and that is what I have written.