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I live in Bristol UK literary fiction and crime are my books of choice and when not reading I like to run

Irresistible nonsense

The One - John Marrs

I really wanted to dislike this book but found myself racing through the text and you know what I enjoyed! The plot is absurd and reads as follows; It has been discovered that within each one of us there a "match" gene. The secret of a successful relationship is to find your future partner who will have exactly the same "match" gene, and once you find each other future happiness is assured. To do this all that is required is a simple DNA swab  which will be entered into an online database and then wait patiently for a confirmation email that you future partner has been found...hurrah! The entrepreneurial founder Ellie (also chasing a life partner) is fast becoming a very rich lady. It is not difficult to berate this premise, for in order for this "imatch" to be successful every human being on the planet must donate their DNA working on the assumption that there is only "one" life partner.


We follow the story through four main characters; Ellie, Jade, Mandy and Nick nicely presented in alternate and clear chapters. The reader never loses interest as the separate adventures for all four is quite different but as will be discovered not everyone's intentions are honourable. Now if you add to this mix a deranged serial killer then we have all the ingredients for an additive read or a tale of nonsense depending on your viewpoint. John Marrs is the kind of author I like to delve into periodically when I simply want some entertainment. He doesn't take himself too seriously, presenting a fun read with little concentration needed. I'm not saying I am about to dash out and acquire his latest book but just like a cup of hot chocolate, nice to drink occasionally.