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I live in Bristol UK literary fiction and crime are my books of choice and when not reading I like to run

Welcome back Harry

The Thirst: A Harry Hole Novel - Jo Nesbo

A top class thriller from Jo Nesbo and his antihero Harry Hole. Harry is now lecturing but is requested by the police in Oslo to head up a small team and help trace a killer who is using "vampire" techniques to attack and kill his victims. At a 538 page count this is a long and at sometimes complex book but for those who have followed Harry through his drunken alcoholic binges and failed relationships the book does not disappoint and once again we can see just why Jo Nesbo is revered as a writer of superior nordic crime fiction. Harry's relationship with Rakel and her son Oleg is severely tested when an incident occurs that nearly destroys his now settled domestic life....."He walked quickly past Rakel without looking at her, without a word of farewell. She was already sidelined, pushed from his consciousness by one of his two lover. Alcohol and murder." Returning to the pressure of fronting a murder investigation opens the way for the "demon" drink to once again present as a problem to our nonconformist cop..."He needed a drink. Harry didn't know where the thought came from, but there it was, as if someone had shouted it, spelling it out, straight into his ear. The thought needed to be drowned out quickly." So a good read with a central character haunted by the actions and events that had happened to him in the past.."Harry stared at the ceiling. The ghosts hadn't come. Maybe they wouldn't be coming tonight. You never knew....."