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I live in Bristol UK literary fiction and crime are my books of choice and when not reading I like to run


Devil In The Darkness - Archie Roy

Our lovely delectable fragrant newly married couple, Paul and Carol, are off for a night of knee-trembling passion following their very recent marriage. Unfortunately travelling towards the holiday cottage in the Highlands of Scotland becomes impossible due to adverse weather conditions and they are diverted to the ghostly Gothic pile known as Ardvreck House. Here they encounter an assortment of misfits who are attempting to unveil the house's evil past and our young, innocent, naive couple become involved even trapped, unaware of the evil and the dangers that lurk...close by...in the shadows.....boo!!


This story is somewhere west of Margaret Rutherford and east of Agatha Christie where most of the players debate the merits and wickedness of previous owners whilst attempting to keep each other warm (Paul and Carol had no trouble there :) and relatively sane as a ghostly coldness makes its presence known. Will our heroes survive? Will the house remain intact? Will the secrets of the previous owners be laid bare....do I care? This was a very run of the mill story, slow and ponderous with wooden stilted characters and felt at times like the board game cluedo or the finale gathering in a Hercule Poirot adventure. Not a story I would recommend.